wintery morning

foggy winter morning

red head bird
 Purbasthali is village of Burdwan district. This village is adjoining with a large oxbow lake. This lake also known as Chupi Char. I was there with Santanu & Subrata da

january-february 2015

march-april 2015

may-june 2015

july-august 2015

september-october 2015

november-december 2015
Here is my calendar 2015. Pls don't forget to like my page. Phtography & Design Mithun Nath

new friendship

mayer kache abdar



do phool aur ek mali

red ants

red fruit

worn out leaves
I was spending the time with Sanjib Nath. A school friend of mine. And it was a good outing
2nd Hoogly Bridge (Kolkata)

2nd Hoogly Bridge (Kolkata)
Photography is my hobby. Sometime I try to escape from my loneliness. These are the photos from that part